Economic Activity


This section presents maps and tables pertaining to economic activity by state of activity, job type, hours worked, industry type and population with activity limitations.


Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



eco05 Unemployed Males Looking for a Job by Single Age
eco05reg Unemployed Males Looking for a Job by Single Age - Census Regions
eco10 Economically Active Population by Industry (Hotels and Restaurants), Age and Gender
eco10reg Economically Active Population by Industry (Hotels and Restaurants), Age and Gender - Census Regions
eco15 Economically Active Population by Occupation and Number of Hours Worked per Week (21-30 hours)
eco15reg Economically Active Population by Occupation and Number of Hours Worked per Week (21-30 hours) - Census Regions
eco20 Economically Active Population by Occupation (Armed Forces), Age and Gender
eco20reg Economically Active Population by Occupation (Armed Forces), Age and Gender - Census Regions
eco34 Economically Active Population by Educational Qualifications, Occupation (General Managers) and Gender
eco34reg Economically Active Population by Educational Qualifications, Occupation (General Managers) and Gender - Census Regions
misc06 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at Home, by Age and Gender
misc06reg Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at Home, by Age and Gender - Census Regions
misc07 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at School or Work, by Age and Gender
misc07reg Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at School or Work, by Age and Gender - Census Regions
misc08 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities in Domains, Other than House, School and Work
misc08reg Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities in Domains, Other than House, School and Work - Census Regions



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

eco05 Unemployed Males Looking for a Job by Single Age
eco10 Economically Active Population by Industry (Hotels and Restaurants), Age and Gender
eco15 Economically Active Population by Occupation and Number of Hours Worked per Week (21-30 hours)
eco20 Economically Active Population by Occupation (Armed Forces), Age and Gender
eco34 Economically Active Population by Educational Qualifications, Occupation (General Managers) and Gender
misc06 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at Home, by Age and Gender
misc07 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at School or Work, by Age and Gender
misc08 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities in Domains, Other than House, School and Work



The categories representing the attribute lists are coded (in the maps) and the full attribute names are listed below. The different attribute tables refer to various map attributes that may not necessarily be found in the same map.


Attribute Tables

Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
ArmedFr Armed forces
LegisSn Legislators and senior officials
CorpMan Corporate managers
GenMan General managers
PhyscPr Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals
LifeCPr Life science and health professionals
TeachPr Teaching professionals
OtherPr Other professionals
PhyscAP Physical and engineering science associate professionals
LifeCAP Life science and health associate professionals
TeachAP Teaching associate professionals
OtherAP Other associate professionals
OffClrk Office clerk
CustSrv Customer services clerks
Personl Personnel and protective services workers
Models Models, salespersons and demonstrators
MarkSkl Market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers
SubsAgF Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers
Extrctn Extraction and building trade workers
MetlMec Metal, machinery and related trade workers
Precisn Precision, handcraft, printing and related trade workers
OthrCrf Other craft and related trade workers
StatPlt Stationary-plant and related operators
MachOpr Machine operators and assemblers
Drivers Drivers and mobile-plant operators
SaleSrv Sales and services elementary occupations
AgriFsh Agricultural, fishery and related labourers
LabMinC Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport
NonResp Non Respondent
Total Total


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
NoQualf No Qualifications
SecCert Secondary school leaving certificate/GCE 'O' level
A Level 'A' level
TradeCt Trade certificate
OtNonUC Other non-university certificate/diploma
UnCtDip University certificate/diploma below bachelor degree
Un1stDg University first degree
PGCtDip University certificate/diploma above first degree
Masters Masters degree
Doctort Doctorate
NonResp Non Respondent

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