
The Dwellings section is the largest repository of data and maps in this site. It contains information, amongst others, on state of dwellings, vacancies, dwelling size, use, etc.


Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



dwellaccess Dwelling by Type and Accessories (Boats)
dwellaccesssreg Dwelling by Type and Accessories (Boats) - Census Regions
dwl01 Distribution of Population Living in Private Household by Type of Dwelling Living In
dwl01reg Distribution of Population Living in Private Household by Type of Dwelling Living In - Census Regions
dwl05room Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Rooms in Dwelling
dwl05roomreg Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Rooms in Dwelling - Census Regions
dwl05bed Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Bedrooms in Dwelling
dwl05bedreg Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Bedrooms in Dwelling - Census Regions
dwl34 Occupied Dwellings by Type
dwl34reg Occupied Dwellings by Type - Census Regions
dwl35 Occupied Dwellings by Type and Gender of Head of Household
dwl35reg Occupied Dwellings by Type and Gender of Head of Household - Census Regions
dwl37 Dwellings By Type Occupied by Sharing Households
dwl37reg Dwellings By Type Occupied by Sharing Households - Census Regions
dwl39 Dwellings by Type and Ownership (Rented Unfurnished)
dwl39reg Dwellings by Type and Ownership (Rented Unfurnished) - Census Regions
dwl41 Dwellings by Type and Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50)
dwl41reg Dwellings by Type and Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50) - Census Regions
dwl44 Private Households by Size and Dwelling Type Occupancy (Shared Households)
dwl44reg Private Households by Size and Dwelling Type Occupancy (Shared Households) - Census Regions
dwl46 Dwellings by Size and Annual Rent (Lm151-Lm200)
dwl46reg Dwellings by Size and Annual Rent (Lm151-Lm200) - Census Regions
dwl54 Occupation (Teaching Professionals) by Gender and Type of Dwelling
dwl54reg Occupation (Teaching Professionals) by Gender and Type of Dwelling - Census Regions
dwl55 Dwellings by Type and Year Built (Prior to 1920)
dwl55reg Dwellings by Type and Year Built (Prior to 1920) - Census Regions
dwl65 Dwellings by Type and Number of Children (1 Child)
dwl65reg Dwellings by Type and Number of Children (1 Child) - Census Regions
dwl66 Private Households Owning Garages, by Type of Dwelling and Number of Cars Usually Parked in the Garage/s (1 Car)
dwl66reg Private Households Owning Garages, by Type of Dwelling and Number of Cars Usually Parked in the Garage/s (1 Car) - Census Regions
incomebyrent Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50) by Income (Lm2500-Lm2999)
incomebyrentreg Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50) by Income (Lm2500-Lm2999) - Census Regions
rentpriv Private Rented Dwellings by Year Built (1991-1995)
shared dwell Households Sharing a Dwelling
shared dwell reg Households Sharing a Dwelling - Census Regions
shared dwell lpa Households Sharing a Dwelling - Local Plan Areas
vacdist Vacant Dwellings by Type and State of Repair (Dilapidated Condition)
vacstrep Vacant Dwellings by State of Repair
vacstruse Vacant Dwellings by State of Repair and Use (Non-Summer)
vactype Vacant Dwellings by Type
vactypus Vacant Dwellings by Type and Use (Non-Summer)
vacuse Vacant Dwellings by Use



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

dwellaccessories Dwelling by Type and Accessories (Boats)
dwl01 Distribution of Population Living in Private Household by Type of Dwelling Living In
dwl05room Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Rooms in Dwelling
dwl05bed Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Bedrooms in Dwelling
dwl34 Occupied Dwellings by Type
dwl35 Occupied Dwellings by Type and Gender of Head of Household
dwl37 Dwellings By Type Occupied by Sharing Households
dwl39 Dwellings by Type and Ownership (Rented Unfurnished)
dwl41 Dwellings by Type and Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50)
dwl44 Private Households by Size and Dwelling Type Occupancy (Shared Households)
dwl46 Dwellings by Size and Annual Rent (Lm151-Lm200)
dwl54 Occupation (Teaching Professionals) by Gender and Type of Dwelling
dwl55 Dwellings by Type and Year Built (Prior to 1920)
dwl65 Dwellings by Type and Number of Children (1 Child)
dwl66 Private Households Owning Garages, by Type of Dwelling and Number of Cars Usually Parked in the Garage/s (1 Car)
incomebyrent Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50) by Income (Lm2500-Lm2999)
rentpriv Private Rented Dwellings by Year Built (1991-1995)
shared dwell Households Sharing a Dwelling
vacdist Dwellings by Type and State of Repair (Dilapidated Condition)
vacstrep Vacant Dwellings by State of Repair
vacstruse Vacant Dwellings by State of Repair and Use (Non-Summer)
vactype Vacant Dwellings by Type
vactypus Vacant Dwellings by Type and Use (Non-Summer)
vacuse Vacant Dwellings by Use



The categories representing the attribute lists are coded (in the maps) and the full attribute names are listed below. The different attribute tables refer to various map attributes that may not necessarily be found in the same map.


Attribute Tables

Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Terrace Terraced
SemDet Semi-Detached
ConvFrm Converted Farmhouse
FullyDt Fully Detached
GrndFlT Ground Floor Tenement
Maisont Maisonette
Apartme Apartment
SofRoom Suite of Rooms
Farmhos Farmhouse
Yacht Yacht
CellarB Cellar/Basement Flat
Penthos Penthouse
Palace Palace
GuestHs Guest House
Bastion Part of Bastion
Store Store
Hotel Hotel
Garage Garage
Windmil Windmill
Bungalw Bungalow
Cave Cave
Tower Tower
Restrnt Restaurant
Glasshs Glasshouse
NonResp Non Respondent
Total Total


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Rm Room
Rms Rooms
BedR Bedrooms


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Pers Persons


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
NewCon Newly Constructed
GdStRep Goos State of Repair
ReqMant Requires Maintenance
DilCond Dilapidated Condition


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Summer Summer Use
Non-Sum Non-Summer Use

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Saviour Formosa Email: sformosa@europe.com

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