
The households section presents information on household structure, headship and population living in private and insitutionalised households.


Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



nup02 Enumerated Population by Marital Status, by Age (20-24 Years) and Gender
nup02reg Enumerated Population by Marital Status, by Age (20-24 Years) and Gender - Census Regions
nup5_2 Enumerated Population Over Age of 16 in Family Nuclei, by Marital Status, Age (20-24 Years) and Gender
pahheads Heads of Private Households by Gender, Age and Marital Status
pahholds Enumerated Population in Private Households, by Gender, Age and Marital Status
paihheds Heads of Institutional Households by Gender and Marital Status
paihhold Enumerated Population in Institutional Households by Gender and Marital Status



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

nup02 Enumerated Population by Marital Status, by Age (20-24 Years) and Gender
nup5_2 Enumerated Population Over Age of 16 in Family Nuclei, by Marital Status, Age (20-24 Years) and Gender
pahheads Heads of Private Households by Gender, Age and Marital Status
pahholds Enumerated Population in Private Households, by Gender, Age and Marital Status
paihheds Heads of Institutional Households by Gender and Marital Status
paihhold Enumerated Population in Institutional Households by Gender and Marital Status



The categories representing the attribute lists are coded (in the maps) and the full attribute names are listed below. The different attribute tables refer to various map attributes that may not necessarily be found in the same map.


Attribute Tables

Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Single Single
Married Married
Separtd Separated
Ann-Div Annuled/Divorced
Widowed Widowed
Remarrd Remarried
NonResp Non Respondent
Total Total


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
SinglNM Single Parents(Never Married)
MarNoCh Married Without Children
MarChld Married With Children
SepNoCh Separated Without Children
SepChld Separated With Children
AnRmNoC Annulled/Divorced but not Remarried without children
AnEmChld Annulled/Divorced but not Remarried with children
WNRmNoC Widowed but not Remarried without Children
WNRmChd Widowed but not Remarried with Children
ReMNoCh Re-married without children
ReMNChd Re-married with children


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
MUndr16 Males Under 16
MSingle Males Single
MMarrid Males Married
MSeprtd Males Separated
MAnnDiv Males Annuled/Divorced
MWidowd Males Widowed
MReMrrd Males Remarried
MNonRsp Males Non Respondent
MTotal Males Total
FUndr16 Females Under 16
FSingle Females Single
FMarrid Females Married
FSeprtd Females Separated
FAnnDiv Females Annuled/Divorced
FWidowd Females Widowed
FReMrrd Females Remarried
FNonRsp Females Non Respondent
FTotal Females Total

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