
This section presents maps and tables pertaining to the educational qualities of the Maltese population. Literacy, qualifications and attainment are depicted in map and tabular formats.


Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



edu03 Literacy by Age and Gender
edu03reg Literacy by Age and Gender - Census Regions
edu04 Population Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Qualifications (University First Degree), Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
edu04reg Population Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Qualifications (University First Degree), Gender and 5-Year Age Groups - Census Regions
edu05 Population and Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Attainment, Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
edu05reg Population and Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Attainment, Gender and 5-Year Age Groups - Census Regions
edu15 Educational Qualifications of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender
edu15reg Educational Qualifications of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender - Census Regions
edu16 Educational Attainment of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender
edu16reg Educational Attainment of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender - Census Regions



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

edu03 Literacy by Age and Gender
edu04 Population Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Qualifications (University First Degree), Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
edu05 Population and Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Attainment, Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
edu15 Educational Qualifications of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender
edu16 Educational Attainment of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender



The categories representing the attribute lists are coded (in the maps) and the full attribute names are listed below. The different attribute tables refer to various map attributes that may not necessarily be found in the same map.


Attribute Tables

Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
M Littr Males Literate
M IIlit Males Illiterate
M NonRs Males Non Respondent
M Total Males Total
F Littr Females Literate
F IIlit Females Illiterate
F NonRs Females Non Respondent
F Total Females Total
BS Litt Both Sexes Literate
BS IIit Both Sexes Illiterate
BS NonR Both Sexes Non Respondent
BS Totl Both Sexes Total


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
NoQualf No Qualifications
SecCert Secondary school leaving certificate/GCE 'O' level
A Level 'A' level
TradeCt Trade certificate
OtNonUC Other non-university certificate/diploma
UnCtDip University certificate/diploma below bachelor degree
Un1stDg University first degree
PGCtDip University certificate/diploma above first degree
Masters Masters degree
Doctort Doctorate
NonResp Non Respondent


Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
NoSchol No schooling
PrimNoC Primary school not completed
PrimCom Primary school completed
SecNoCG Secondary school not completed (General)
SecComG Secondary school completed (General)
SecNoCV Secondary school not completed (Vocational)
SecComV Secondary school completed (Vocational)
TertNoC Tertiary education not completed
TertCom Tertiary education completed
PGNoCom Post-Graduate education not completed
PstGCom Post-Graduate education completed

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