
Census provides practically the only data on internal and international migration in the Maltese Islands. The following maps and tables outline some of the characteristics of internal migration and the last 2 maps represent information on returned migrants.


Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



mig07reg Regional Migration 1994-1995 by Single Age - Census Regions
mig1 Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1994-1995)
mig1lpa Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1994-1995) - Local Plan Areas
mig13 In-Migration (1994-1995) by Age and Gender
mig13lpa In-Migration (1994-1995) by Age and Gender - Local Plan Areas
mig3 Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1990-1995)
mig3lpa Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1990-1995) - Local Plan Areas
pa06 Returned Migrants by Gender and Gross Income (Lm4001-Lm4500)
pa06reg Returned Migrants by Gender and Gross Income (Lm4001-Lm4500) - Census Regions
re02 Returned Migrants by Year of Return (Pre-1950), Gender and Country of Origin
re02reg Returned Migrants by Year of Return (Pre-1950), Gender and Country of Origin - Census Regions



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

mig07 Regional Migration 1994-1995 by Single Age
mig1 Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1994-1995)
mig13 In-Migration (1994-1995) by Age and Gender
mig3 Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1990-1995)
pa06 Returned Migrants by Gender and Gross Income (Lm4001-Lm4500)
re02 Returned Migrants by Year of Return (Pre-1950), Gender and Country of Origin



The categories representing the attribute lists are coded (in the maps) and the full attribute names are listed below.


Attribute Table

Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Austral Australia
Canada Canada
Italy Italy
France France
Germany Germany
OthEuro Other European
OthCoun Other Countries
NonResp Non Respondent
Total Total

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Saviour Formosa Email: sformosa@europe.com

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