
The Population Age section of the Census presents the population structure of the Maltese Islands, mainly the age and gender of enumerated population, Maltese and non-Maltese residents. A population density section indicates the high rate of density in the Maltese Islands, currently the 2nd most dense country in the World, following behind Singapore. With the reintegration of Macoa and Hong Kong with mainland China, Malta's density situation was gauranteed a leap from 4th place to 2nd place.

Data for this and other sections is presented in both interactive graphics using maps and tabular format. Maps are represented either as Choropleths, Graduated Symbols and Dot Density. In the case of Pop Density the may types are Cholopleth, Topographic and 3D. Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



Dot Density

age95 Enumerated Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02 Enumerated Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups - Census Regions
age02M Maltese Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02Mreg Maltese Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups - Census Regions
age02NM Non-Maltese Population by Gender and All-Age Groups
age02NMreg Non-Maltese Population by Gender and All-Age Groups - Census Regions
Paage_1 Enumerated Population by Single Ages, by Locality


Map Name

Map Description




Pop Density Population & Density 1931-1995 (pers/

This section has 4 3D maps that depict the 1995 Population Density data as a prism map as per geographic orientation. The red colour indicates a high density and the blue end of the range indicates a low density. These images are for viewing purposes only as no data is linked to them. Click on the images below for larger renditions.


An animation of the population density transition from 1931 to 1995 can be access through the image below.



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

age95 Enumerated Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02 Enumerated Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02M Maltese Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02NM Non-Maltese Population by Gender and All-Age Groups
Paage_1 Enumerated Population by Single Ages, by Locality
Pop Density Population & Density 1931-1995 (pers/

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