Data Tables


This page lists all the Tables available to each of the map sections with the complete set of attributes related to a particular map. For more attributes and an opportunity to query the data and map the results users are requested to investigate the CensArc section of this project.

The tables produced for the ImageMap section are listed below:

For reference to the relative maps click on the icon below:

Map List




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

Summary Map depicting unique data for each Area taken from the different tables in the study




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

age95 Enumerated Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02 Enumerated Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02M Maltese Population by Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
age02NM Non-Maltese Population by Gender and All-Age Groups
Paage_1 Enumerated Population by Single Ages, by Locality
Pop Density Population & Density 1931-1995 (pers/




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

ctz Maltese Population by Gender and Citizenship Acquired
dun Maltese Population by Gender and Possession of Dual Nationality




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

dwellaccessories Dwelling by Type and Accessories (Boats)
dwl01 Distribution of Population Living in Private Household by Type of Dwelling Living In
dwl05room Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Rooms in Dwelling
dwl05bed Distribution of Private Households by Size (10 Persons) and Number of Bedrooms in Dwelling
dwl34 Occupied Dwellings by Type
dwl35 Occupied Dwellings by Type and Gender of Head of Household
dwl37 Dwellings By Type Occupied by Sharing Households
dwl39 Dwellings by Type and Ownership (Rented Unfurnished)
dwl41 Dwellings by Type and Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50)
dwl44 Private Households by Size and Dwelling Type Occupancy (Shared Households)
dwl46 Dwellings by Size and Annual Rent (Lm151-Lm200)
dwl54 Occupation (Teaching Professionals) by Gender and Type of Dwelling
dwl55 Dwellings by Type and Year Built (Prior to 1920)
dwl65 Dwellings by Type and Number of Children (1 Child)
dwl66 Private Households Owning Garages, by Type of Dwelling and Number of Cars Usually Parked in the Garage/s (1 Car)
incomebyrent Annual Rent (Lm10-Lm50) by Income (Lm2500-Lm2999)
rentpriv Private Rented Dwellings by Year Built (1991-1995)
shared dwell Households Sharing a Dwelling
vacdist Dwellings by Type and State of Repair (Dilapidated Condition)
vacstrep Vacant Dwellings by State of Repair
vacstruce Vacant Dwellings by State of Repair and Use (Non-Summer)
vactype Vacant Dwellings by Type
vactypus Vacant Dwellings by Type and Use (Non-Summer)
vacuse Vacant Dwellings by Use



Economic Activity

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

eco05 Unemployed Males Looking for a Job by Single Age
eco10 Economically Active Population by Industry (Hotels and Restaurants), Age and Gender
eco15 Economically Active Population by Occupation and Number of Hours Worked per Week (21-30 hours)
eco20 Economically Active Population by Occupation (Armed Forces), Age and Gender
eco34 Economically Active Population by Educational Qualifications, Occupation (General Managers) and Gender
misc06 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at Home, by Age and Gender
misc07 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities at School or Work, by Age and Gender
misc08 Population with Activity Limitations in Daily Activities in Domains, Other than House, School and Work




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

edu03 Literacy by Age and Gender
edu04 Population Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Qualifications (University First Degree), Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
edu05 Population and Aged 16 years and Over, by Educational Attainment, Gender and 5-Year Age Groups
edu15 Educational Qualifications of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender
edu16 Educational Attainment of Head of Household, by Age (16-19 Years) and Gender




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

fer18 Children Ever Born by Age of Mother (45-49 Years)at Time of the First Marriage
fermean Mean Number of Children Ever Born by Marital Status and Age of Mother (25 Years)




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

nup02 Enumerated Population by Marital Status, by Age (20-24 Years) and Gender
nup5_2 Enumerated Population Over Age of 16 in Family Nuclei, by Marital Status, Age (20-24 Years) and Gender
pahheads Heads of Private Households by Gender, Age and Marital Status
pahholds Enumerated Population in Private Households, by Gender, Age and Marital Status
paihheds Heads of Institutional Households by Gender and Marital Status
paihhold Enumerated Population in Institutional Households by Gender and Marital Status




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

pa10 Population by Gross Annual Income
pa12 Enumerated Population, Income Ranges (Lm) as per Occupation (Legislators and Senior Officials) and Gender




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

mig07 Regional Migration 1994-1995 by Single Age
mig1 Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1994-1995)
mig13 In-Migration (1994-1995) by Age and Gender
mig3 Migration of Enumerated Population Between Localities (1990-1995)
pa06 Returned Migrants by Gender and Gross Income (Lm4001-Lm4500)
re02 Returned Migrants by Year of Return (Pre-1950), Gender and Country of Origin




Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

Local Plan Areas

pa07 Distribution of Population by Means of Transport Used to Cover the Longest Part of Daily Journey to the Place of Work or Study by Gender

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CitizenshipTransportMigrationIncomeHouseholdsFertilityEducationEconomic ActivityDwellingsAge