
This section presents maps and tables pertaining to fertility, mainly the number of children ever born to mothers and the mean number of children born to mothers.


Note that the maps unless indicated otherwise the map descriptions refer to Local Council data. Should Regional or Local Plan data be available, the aggregate type is listed in bold italic in the Map Description column.



Map Name

Map Description



fer18 Children Ever Born by Age of Mother (45-49 Years)at Time of the First Marriage
fer18reg Children Ever Born by Age of Mother (45-49 Years)at Time of the First Marriage - Census Regions
fermean Mean Number of Children Ever Born by Marital Status and Age of Mother (25 Years)
fermeanreg Mean Number of Children Ever Born by Marital Status and Age of Mother (25 Years) - Census Regions



Data Tables

Table Name

Table Description

Local Council

Census Regions

fer18 Children Ever Born by Age of Mother (45-49 Years)at Time of the First Marriage
fermean Mean Number of Children Ever Born by Marital Status and Age of Mother (25 Years)



The categories representing the attribute lists are coded (in the maps) and the full attribute names are listed below.


Attribute Table

Map Abbrv.
Attribute Name
Under16 Under 16
Single Single
Married Married
Separtd Separated
Ann-Div Annuled/Divorced
Widowed Widowed
Remarrd Remarried
NonResp Non Respondent
Total Total

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